Recently Released WWE Star Lashes Out At WWE Creative

Kenny Dykstra, who was recently released by the WWE, wrote the following on his page:

“”Believe it or not, I actually am happy to be gone from WWE. I dont have to do things around their schedule and I dont have to answer to anybody. I have never felt so free in my entire life. I had been working with WWE since I was 16 so I’ve never really known anything else.

I did have fun with WWE but the creative side never used me properly or really gave me an opportunity to get over. It sucks when you know your better than the majority and your only used to make people look good. Will I stay wrestling? I’m not sure. WWE kinda puts a bad taste in your mouth after all the politics and garbage that can go on. I may try to go to TNA but we will see. I have 90 days to think about it and possibly try.”