Feature: Steve Anderson on Greener and Not-So-Green Pastures

Contract expirations and rumored/confirmed â<80><9c>jumpsâ<80> have been prominent in the olâ<80><99> wrestling newsroom. To recapâ<80>¦

â<80><9c>Will he or wonâ<80><99>t heâ<80> is the question asked of Kevin Nash. Will he put pen to paper and sign a TNA contract? Or will he head up north yet again and revive his career with WWE? Frankly, I donâ<80><99>t think it matters. TNA would not suffer a huge loss and WWE would not be exactly getting a marquee wrestler. Yes, Nash is a star, but if you break it down, heâ<80><99>s not exactly an â<80><9c>impact player,â<80> so to speak. His run as WWE champ in the nineties was a box office bust. His jump to WCW was only significant because he and Scott Hall were the first to do so after Eric Bischoff took over. His WWE return in 2002 was fraught with injuries. His run in TNA was comedic and nowâ<80>¦well, it is hard to define. He may be more interested in more eBay dinners. Frankly, I donâ<80><99>t see the significance.

Gail Kim. With all due respect to Gail and her skills in the ring, I donâ<80><99>t see why this story has gotten so much press. She may be â<80><9c>Employee of the Yearâ<80> for TNA. She may have conducted herself with the utmost professionalism during her WWE stint. However, weâ<80><99>re talking about a â<80><9c>Diva/Knockoutâ<80> who doesnâ<80><99>t exactly enjoy the type of mainstream popularity that justifies the numerous stories that have come out. Story after story about her signing/non-signing/changing her mind/not changing her mind. Chris Braden Harris Walker didnâ<80><99>t get this kind of press and he was in a top-tier TNA tag team. Then againâ<80>¦

Speaking of Harris/Walker, way to go. Mind you, metaphorical bridges in wrestling are always equipped with the mandated fire extinguishers. There is no such thing as a burned bridge. Well, except if youâ<80><99>re Randy Savage or the Ultimate Warrior. No one could blame him for moving to greener pastures, but his time there was more than a failure. It was a disaster of catastrophic proportions. Lord knows what he did to piss people in WWE off, to the point of just letting him go. Fear not. He will return to TNA at some point. Thereâ<80><99>s money to be made in a reunion or feud with his old tag team pardner.

Team 3-D (still not crazy about that name after all these years) resigned with TNA after a â<80><9c>will they or wonâ<80><99>t theyâ<80> mystery. Frankly, it was their only option. TNA actually enjoys a tag team roster, but recent moves concern me just a bit. Iâ<80><99>m sure WWE would have taken them back, but tag teams are not a top priority. They would have ended up splitting them up yet again. And no one wants to revisit â<80><9c>Brother D–Von.â<80>

I think we as writers and fans long for the days when Sid Vicious, Chris Jericho, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, the Road Warriors, and so many others made dramatic jumps from WWE to WCW and vice versa. It was exciting to see that familiar face under a new promotional banner. What would they say? Who would they feud with? Would they have a different name or gimmick? There was build-up and pageantry. Those days are long gone and I think the coverage of the so-called â<80><9c>majorâ<80> stories is a reflection of that. We simply canâ<80><99>t get enough of it.

Unless it involves Braden Walker.


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