E-Mail Suggests PCW Reports A “Rib”

The e-mail below suggests I was “worked” as to the story from Canada and Virgil defending a TNA Title.

Not so much.

I reported this “story” using the reports and e-mails sent by others.

I then provided the context, the back story of a dishonest promoter, PCW’s Andrew Shallcross, who failed to pay Samoa Joe & Chris Sabin to this day for a booking in September 2007.

I thank all parties for the opportunity to tell this story.

And now the latest………

amazinggabe@gmail.com writes:

I do some work for PCW in Winn*peg and thought you might like to know that someone was working Behrens and I guess he fell for it hook, line and sinker (hell of an insider there! lol).

PCW doesn’t run Sask and didn’t have a show this weekend. Most of the “names” in the report were ribs on local guys using their shoot names or other local ribs. Everyone around here is loving the rib and especially that Behrens fell for it.

Thought you might want to know so you can take it down. I was told not to send in a correction because everyone thinks it’s so funny but I thought I’d give you a heads up as I check out your site quite a bit.


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