Lineup For This Weekend’s Ring of Honor Shows

Ring of Honor is in Cleveland, Oh. tonight with the following lineup: Nigel McGuinness vs. El Generico for the ROH Title, Austin Aries vs. Tyler Black, Erick Stevens vs. Claudio Castagnoli for the FIP Title, The Briscoes vs. Jimmy Jacobs and a mystery partner, Roderick Strong and Brent Albright vs. Go Shiozaki and Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson vs. Kenny King, Delirious vs. Rhett Titus, Kevin Steen vs. Jigsaw, Ruckus vs. Adam Pearce.

ROH is in Chicago Ridge on Saturday night with the following lineup: Nigel McGuinness and Claudio Castagnoli vs. Bryan Danielson and Austin Aries, Jimmy Jacobs vs. Necro Butcher in a No DQ match, Brent Albright vs. Go Shiozaki for the NWA Title, Erick Stevens vs. Chris Hero for the FIP Title, Roderick Strong vs. members of Sweet and Sour Inc. in a gauntlet match (he’ll get a match with Larry Sweeney if he beats all members), Tyler Black vs. El Generico, Kevin Steen vs. Kenny King, The Briscoes vs. Ruckus and Jigsaw vs. Delirious and Pelle Primeau vs. Tweek and Dash Phoenix in a tag team scramble match.


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