Eric Bischoff Blasts Internet Reporters, “The Wrestler” Photos

Eric Bischoff has posted a blog on his website taking out at the internet wrestling community’s tabloid media. He goes into a rant on Internet sites, specifically taking aim at the Wrestling Observer’s Dave Meltzer, who he also ripped in his book. Bischoff wrote: The wanna-be TMZ’s of the world lower the bar even further to get attention and people that canâ<80><99>t find enough negativity to fill the black hole in their own lives, continue to seek out even lower forms of Internet life. Those people need only to become wrestling fans. Once they do, they can seek out Internet sites like Dave Meltzer’s that features commentary from a middle aged, overweight, silicon-laden troll whose only real talent was converting her willingness to being passed around by wrestlers as a party favor into a paycheck more than a decade ago. Or worse yet, that headlines bogus “divorce stories” as breaking news only because they didn’t bother to do a basic public records check beforehand. They can then subscribe to his 345,000+ word weekly assault on grammar that attempts to be the arbiter of an industry heâ<80><99>s never been directly involved with for “inside information”. has posted some promotional photos of Mickey Rourke and Marissa Tomei from the upcoming film “The Wrestler.”


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