Jericho wrenches back on the abdominal stretch which is now applied on Michaels. Michaels tries to counter but Jericho counters and gets a two count on HBK. Jericho hits HBK with a right hand in the corner. Jericho whips HBK hard into the turnbuckles. Finally HBK is able to mount some offense by using Jericho’s own momentum against him. HBK hits some chops but Jericho counters and applies the Walls of Jericho. Referee Jack Doan checks for submission but HBK is able to get to the ropes. Jericho breaks the hold and assaults HBK who roles onto the apron. Jericho tries some acrobatics but eats Sweet Chin Music on the apron off to the outside. Doan starts to countout Jericho. Michaels goes outside and gets him. He roles him back in. Michaels pulls Jericho to the center of the ring and goes for the cover. Two count! Jericho remains down in the middle of the ring. HBK goes off the top rope with an elbow onto Jericho. HBK is selling his ribs as he is slow to follow up. HBK finally tunes up the band, calling for Sweet Chin Music. Jericho gets up and falls back down. The crowd boos.
Our WWE SmackDown results for tonight include final words between Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens ahead of their title…