Morrison is able to counter and get the tag to The Miz. Miz applies a submission hold on Punk in the middle of the ring on the mat. The crowd cheers Punk back to his feet. Miz backs him down but Punk connects a big kick. Punk tags in Kane. Kane hits a huge back body drop on The Miz. Kane goes off the top rope onto Miz. Scoop slam attempt by Kane but Morrison is able to tag himself in. Morrison hits a neck breaker on Kane and gets on top of him. He connects with several right hands. Morrison makes another tag. Quick tag back to Morrison back to The Miz. They are using team work to make this look as believable as they can with Kane. Miz uses several right hands to wear down the Big Red Machine. Kane finally lands a stomp on Miz, both end up getting tags. Punk hits a nice drop kick then a spinning heel kick. Punk gets a powerslam on Morrison and a two count. Punk mounts some more offense with his kicks followed by a two count. Punk goes over the top ropes onto The Miz. He nails a cross-body on Morrison for another two count. Punk picks Morrison up for GTS, Miz gets in the ring. Punk sends him to the outside. Morrison tries to capitalize but Punk goes for GTS again. The Miz trips him.
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