Glenn Gilbertti Goes Off On Forum Member

The following is apart of a current discussion in the official forums about whether Vince Russo is dragging TNA down. You can read the rest of the debate and throw in your two cents by CLICKING HERE. I have posted this due to the fact that despite Glenn Gilbertti being a true “heel” to many visitors, he has never reacted quite this way to criticism. In addition, whether you agree or disagree with Glenn’s opinion, we want to know what you think.

This is only a portion of what Glenn wrote. It has also been edited for grammatical reasoning for this report. To read the rest and find out what made him go off in this fashion, click the link above or below. We’d like to hear your thoughts afterward. You can also EMAIL YOUR THOUGHTS to us by sending them to [email protected].


“I have no reason to lie about anything I write. I could be the biggest stooge on the internet and come in here and tell you everything that goes on in TNA, but I don’t think a lot of the stuff is anybody’s business, hence my distaste for internet reporting.

However, every now and then I’ll come in to the forums and correct faulty reporting, and imbeciles like you will try to discredit me. Go ahead and believe Dave Meltzer. He gets paid to provide CONTENT, no matter how true or UNTRUE it is. You read it, he gets paid.

Do you think he actually cares if it’s true or not? Why should he? He’s getting your dollar regardless and has you thinking he knows what he’s talking about. The funny thing is, you’ll take his words and use them and try to challenge myself, when the reality is that my knowledge is infinitely superior to yours on the subject matter.

Seriously, if we took our arguments to a court of law, you’d probably be given the death penalty for being so stupid to think you can actually challenge my credibility and win. I get paid by this site to write an article each week and every now and then attend message board discussion. Period. i don’t get paid to lie.

I’ve been offered to get paid to stooge before and have respectfully declined. Guys like you are the sole reason that the internet hurts the business, because you can’t think for yourselves, and because you’re a follower, and you are inclined to believe everything that you read that you pay for. Boy, is that just plain ‘ol dumb. You should just sit in front of the tv each week with your diaper and your dunce cap and suck your thumb while you watch the shows, because that’s about how highly I think of your opinions.”

To View The Rest: CLICK HERE

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