Hulk Hogan On Issues With Savage, Diva Imitating Brooke

Thanks to Jagger K and for the following recap of Hulk Hogan’s appearance on Bubba The Love Sponge’s show:

Hulk discussed his upcoming match with Jerry Lawler in Memphis and said it was going to be the last event ever at the Mid-South Coliseum but due to demand they moved it to a larger 14,000 venue. Hulk said he doubted he would sell it out because it is only a few weeks away but wants to do a lot more than the 4,000 Vince draws there

Hulk asked Bubba to be part of the show as a wrestler and Bubba said he doesn’t know enough to wrestle a full match but Hogan said all he needed to know was the basics and he would get over. Bubba said he rather manage but will be there.

Other names mentioned as possibilities for appearing were Ed Leslie (yes, he’ll be there) and Brian Knobbs (no, he won’t). Bubba kidded about Randy Savage and Hogan said its time to bury the hatchet and he would love Randy to be involved. Hogan kidded Savage would need to dye his har black because its full gray. Bubba said if Hogan was serious that he would mediate it and Hogan said to do it and that Randy is a great guy who was going through personal issues.

Hogan used the F-bomb towards Vince McMahon and was obviously pissed that he felt Vince mocked Brooke with Jillian Hall doing a Brooke-type character on Smackdown. Bubba admitted he was the one that told Hulk about the character.

Bubba talked about how he misses the old Hogan and could not wait until he becomes “free again” (obviously alluding to his rumored marriage problems). They said that once Bubba got off the air they would go out and hit some strip clubs and that even though Hogan has a house in Miami and another being built in Vegas that he will be back in Tampa soon and hanging out again.