WWE Champion John Cena, ECW Champion Bobby Lashley, Edge and Randy Orton will all be appearing on NBC’s “Deal or No Deal” this Sunday. A preview clip of their appearance was shown on ECW last night.
Edge interviews Howie Mandel in a new “Superstar 2 Superstar” article over on WWE.com.
On a related note, Edge recently filmed a spot for FOX’s “MadTV.” We hope to get a confirmation on when that will air soon.
Bobby Lashley has opened his official website at bobbylashleyonline.com.
Rockford-Montgomery Labs sent out the following press release today regarding their sponsorship of WrestleMania 23. WWE’s Senior Vice President of Marketing Geof Rochester was quoted in the article as saying WWE isn’t worried about UFC because they have “the next Rock” in John Cena.