WWE & TNA Notes: RAW, Lynn, Gayda, Melina, More

WWE News:

WWE.com has added screenshot photos of the RAW vs. SmackDown! video game.

Several WWE Superstars talked to WWE.com after their Survivor Series matches last night. The website has posted interviews from Cena, Trish, Bischoff, Edge, Melina, Carlito, and Teddy Long.

The Heat match featuring Juventued vs. Simon Dean has also been added to the website.

Diamond Dallas Page recently filmed a feature film titled Driftwood.

TNA News:

Rhino and Jackie Gayda will be working a charity event for Jersey All Pro Wrestling on 12/3.

Johnny Fairplay was at the last TNA TV taping and is expected to be there again tomorrow night. Fairplay had been out taping an episode of Fear Factor.

Speaking of the TV tapings, TNA will tape two episodes tomorrow which will set up angles for the Turning Point PPV.

Jerry Lynn works backstage in TNA as an agent and helps the guys before their matches. He is expected to wrestle but not on a full-time basis for the company.


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