Original Plan For HBK/Hogan Revealed; Attack On Hogan’s Child?

Source: PWTorch.com Newsletter

In preliminary discussions regarding the Hogan-HBK angle, The Hulkster suggested that Shawn Michaels perform his signature “Sweet Chin Music” on Nick Hogan, either at Summerslam or during the build-up on RAW. Shawn Michaels, however, nixed the idea.

Rejecting the angle was seemingly not a difficult call for Shawn Michaels, who had two key objections. Although HBK has been assigned the role of heel in the storyline, Michaels was not interested in a move that would get him over as a very strong villain. Additionally, he felt that such an added extra would not be necessary in building up the match, as their career legacies are enough to create a dream match. Since it was there first time wrestling, he wanted the magnitude of “Icon vs. Legend” to prevail over specific storyline items.


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