The Latest Update On Trish Stratus – Out Six Weeks

Trish Stratus has updated the comment board on her website for the first time in many months. She said that her doctor has recommended a minimum of 6 weeks bed rest and rehab for the herniated disk injury. She wrote:

“A herniated disk can be very serious and eventually lead to surgery if you don’t treat it, which unfortunately happens a lot in this business because we are so used to working through an injury. Most of the time we are just in this non-stop cycle that we just don’t get around to treating the injury – not to mention that most of us have a high pain tolerance, different than the average person. I was experiencing a lot of pain in my lower back for a while and finally a couple weeks before Wrestlemania I was immobilized by the pain I had. My doctor diagnosed the herniated disk and said no flying or wrestling for 6 weeks.” She said that she got through Wrestlemania with intense physiotherapy and was taken off the house show schedule and overseas tours so she didn’t have to wrestle or fly. “Believe it or not, flying is worse for this condition than wrestling because sitting upright puts unbelievable pressure on the spine thus, explaining my absence from the overseas tours. Wrestlemania rolled around I kicked some major Playboy butt and then my back reminded me I have a herniated disk! Following Wrestlemania, luckily I had Viscera doing my dirty work for me and well – we all know what that lead to. So now I am doing my physiotherapy and taking care of the problem instead of working through it so that I can come back and deliver some major ‘Stratusfaction’ and be the 100% ass-kicking babe that you all want me to be.”