Matt Hardy Responds Again, Rock Update, Cena; & More WWE News

John Cena is on the cover of The Source magazine for the month of May. That is one of the biggest rap publications around. They note he is from the new ‘WWF’. Somebody forgot to tell them it’s WWE these days.

There is already a site setup at for WrestleMania 22 in Chicago next eyar.

The Rock is set to star in a new comedy “Ride Along” with Ryan Reynolds at the end of next summer.

Matt Hardy posted another message on his website today: “Just to reiterate, I can not thank everyone enough for all the love and support they have shown me. Thanks for believing in me, thanks for standing up for me, and thanks for just taking the time to say you care and are thinking about me. Wherever Matt Hardy ends up, I want all of you to join me there. I will never change and will always fight for what I believe in and what is right. Nothing but love for you. Matt.” While not factually correct the company is currently trying to put out the story that Hardy was an Internet leak. While most wrestlers would never admit to management (and quite rightly for their own job security) that they talk to Internet writers, newsletters, websites etc. (which is a breech of contract) most actually do.