Edge Hassled By Fans At RAW Last Night; Hardy-RAW Update

There were chants of “You Screed Matt” and “You Screwed Lita” at Edge during the RAW broadcast last night. A fan also held a sign up that said “Edge Speared Lita”. There was also a fan with a “Matt Betrayed V1” sign and chants of “We Want Matt”

Also on commentary, Jim Ross said, “Edge is a changed man. He’s not the same guy I used to talk to.” Lawler asked, “You’re not saying he has a split personality are you?” Ross said, “He’s made some bad career choices. Everyone’s against him.” Jerry Lawler also stated “It’s only cheating if you get caught” to end the match. More obvious ‘cryptic’ messages from Lawler and Ross.

As we’ve noted before, management is less than happy with Edge right now. For those wondering, Matt Hardy was NOT backstage at RAW last night.