Update On Hector Garza’s Arrest

From The Houston Chronicle:

In the wrestling ring, Hector Garza’s trademark move is the spin “plancha,” which found him springing off the ropes, twisting in mid-air and pummeling his hapless opponents.

Right now, the only springing the Mexican superstar hopes to do is out of a Harris County Jail, where he is being held after his arrest on charges of possession of a controlled substance.

The 35-year-old wrestler, whose real name is Hector Solano Segura, was en route to Orlando, Fla., for a taping of the Fox Sports Network show TNA Impact! when he was detained Monday afternoon by immigration agents at Bush Intercontinental Airport. The show had to be rescripted because of Segura’s arrest.

According to Mexican newspaper El Norte, Segura was in possession of anabolic steroids Primobolan and Deca-Durabolin, which are commonly used to increase muscle mass. He did not have a prescription for the drugs with him.

“TNA Entertainment does not condone the use of any illegal substance by an independent contractor or employee of the company,” said Brad Bernstein, public relations manager. “Hector (Segura) and his attorney are anxious to proceed with the case and prove Hector’s innocence. We look forward to his return.”

Segura’s brother Humberto, who is also a wrestler, told El Norte that a prescription for the drugs was being sent immediately from Dr. Jose Luis Banda Robles in Mexico. The presciptions was being used by Segura to regenerate injuries and fortify muscle tissue, his brother said.

“I’ve never heard of any policies or testing by TNA,” said Mike Johnson, writer for PWInsider.com, a comprehensive wrestling Web site. “This is really their first case of dealing with something like this publicly.”

Visit chron.com for the full story.


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