TNA Slammiversary Results – June 12th, 2011

Your winners and still TNA Tag Team champions, James Storm & Alex Shelley!

Solid match with good bell to bell tag action. Nice way to open the show.

They showed video of Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle showing up at the Impact Wrestling Zone earlier tonight.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Scott Steiner. Steiner said he was going to take out Morgan, then show his girlfriend what it was like to be with a real man.

Scott Steiner vs. Matt Morgan

Morgan grabbed a sideheadlock but was shoved off to the ropes. Morgan nailed him and slammed Steiner. Steiner was nailed with a headbutt. Morgan mauled him against the ropes and sent him to the floor.

Morgan followed him and shoved Steiner into the apron several times before rolling him back into the ring. Morgan went to place Steiner onto the turnbuckles when he was caught with a low blow. Steiner began trashing Morgan as he worked him over on the mat with boots.

Steiner drilled Morgan with a belly to belly suplex for a two count. Steiner was all over referee Brian Hebner (back from his knee issues) about the count. He choked Morgan against the ropes and kicked him several times in the ribs. Steiner choked Morgan’s throat with his boot.

Steiner caught Morgan with a clothesline as he rebounded off the ropes and nailed the push ups. Steiner worked over Morgan with chops in the corner, then snapmared him and caught him with a kick to the face. Steiner worked over Morgan with kicks in the corner. He drilled Morgan with a chop but that only fired Morgan up.

Morgan was whipped into the corner but caught Steiner with a kick as he charged. Morgan fired up and drilled Steiner with a series of rights and clotheslines. He positioned Steiner into the corner with a chokeslam, then nailed the Avalanche and a sideslam.

Morgan hit a sit-out slam for a two count. Morgan was caught with an STO for a two count. Steiner set up Morgan for the Steiner Recliner, trying to force a submission. Morgan forced his arms out and tried to lift Steiner for an Electric Chair. Morgan succeeded but Steiner rolled through for a victory roll. I didn’t expect that! Two count.

Steiner went to the ropes and leapt off, but was caught in a goozle. Steiner slipped out but Morgan boxed Steiner’s ears and nailed the Carbon Footprint for the pin.

Your winner, Matt Morgan!



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