Chavo Calls Out John Cena; Challenges Him To Do Better

Thanks to WZ reader Simon for sending in the following:

"Ok, don’t "Fin" say that ppl will talk about this for years if you’re going to let Punk do all the work and not deliver at the PPV, Cena.

I am tired and I know fans are tired of WWE Superstars talking big and not delivering. We don’t want to see some1 just in a fight. We’ve…

And frankly no1 believes it anymore. If Miz can kick your ass then the clerk at the store can kick your ass, so plz deliver if u say that..

Ppl will remember this PPV. U know Punk will bring "it". I’ve been in the ring with both of u & Punk has "it". Cena u have mic skills yes,.

But if u think ppl believe your BS lazy comeback that u do exactly the same every match then u are mistaken. Eddie & I taught u different..

We never said "get lazy" & do the dame thing every night. We always said" think out of the box" & give the fans what they deserve & not rely

On the "machine"to " get u over". I hope this lights a fire under your ass & U deliver this Sunday. Dont just rest on U being over cuz u are

& that is easy. Challenge yourself & give the fans what they deserve. That’s why they boo u. Because they aren’t stupid. They know what

They pay for & the "great" promo guy but the shitty "match" guy that u have become is not what they want. I understand "longevity" but at

The sacrifice of the fans trust is not worth it. Deliver on your fans & deliver on why U got into this business.Eventually the fans that

U have gained with from the purple t-shirts will turn on U. Take a lesson from the Hulkster. Give the fans there $ worth and dont become

Just Another "promo" guy. I know u love this biz & dont get distracted from the McMahon $. Deliver plz!! Have enough respect for your fans..

Cuz without them, you’re working at a fast food chain. Love u man & I support u & hope u see this cuz I know Punk will & I know he’s going

To bring it cuz he’s got nothing to lose!"

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