Impact Wrestling Results (8/18) – Flair Returns & Offers Sting A Challenge, New Tag Team Champions!

Tag Team Championship Match

Mexican America vs Beer Money (c)

Anarchia and Roode start and they trade elbows then Roode kicks him in the corner and backs away but Roode grabs him and tags in Storm. Storm whips Roode into Anarchia and Storm gets a two count, then Storm hits a kneedrop and whips him into the corner. Hernandez interferes which allows Anarchia to attack Storm, then tags out and he holds Storm on the ropes while Hernandez jumps on him then stomps on him. Hernandez goes for a cover then they hit a double shoulder block and he tags back out. Storm finally elbows his way out but he is near the wrong corner and Hernandez stops him from tagging. Storm fights him off and jumps at Roode and he makes the hot tag to his partner.

Roode unloads on Hernandez then fights off Anarchia, then he slingshots Anarchia into a DDT by Storm. They hit a double team suplex and clear the ring then play to the fans and do the Beer Money taunt. Rosita gets in the ring and mouths off to them, then Karen Jarrett leaves the announcer's table and says she needs to help her Mexican sister. Jeff goes to get her out of this and Karen argues with Beer Money on the apron while the ref tries to straighten things out.

Anarchia tries going after Roode but he gets laid out with a spinebuster and Sarita gets on the apron in Roode's face. Hernandez uses the distraction to grab a title belt and he smashes Roode in the head with it and makes the cover to win the match. Mexican America celebrates their win with the Jarretts in the ring and they all fist bump and taunt the fans as Beer Money leaves the ring.

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions – Mexican America