WWE House Show Results (8/19): Regina, Saskatchewan

Thanks to Cohen Morrison and PWInsider.com for the following report …

(1) Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne beat WWE tag champions Michael McGillicutty & David Otunga in a non-title match.

(2) Zack Ryder beat Drew McIntyre.

(3) Santino Marella beat Jack Swagger.

Eve came out to pick four contestants for a special contest later in the show.

Dolph Ziggler came out next and cut a great heel promo by saying Canada sucks.

(4) U.S. champion Dolph Ziggler beat Alex Riley in a non-title match.

Justin Roberts then announced a double main event tonight with the winner of the following match facing John Cena for the WWE Title.

Ricardo Rodriguez then introduced WWE champion Alberto Del Rio. Huge heat from the fans.

(5) WWE champion Alberto Del Rio beat C.M. Punk in a non-title match. This was a good match, Ricardo distracted Punk, who ended up losing to Del Rio. After the match, Ricardo stayed in the ring & mocked Punk while Del Rio celebrated on the outside. Punk then got Ricardo and chased Del Rio to the back.

[Brief Intermission]

(6) Divas champion Kelly Kelly beat Beth Phoenix to retain the Divas Title.

Eve came back out and brought the four contestants into the ring. A little kid won and got to hang out with the Superstars backstage for the rest of the show.

R-Truth then came out and cut his Promo with Great Heat before his match with Morrison

(7) John Morrison beat R-Truth.

Prior to the main event, Ricardo returned to the ring. Out came Del Rio, who came over to our side and pointed at my shirt, pointed at the WWE merchandise stand, and gave me a smile & wink. John Cena then came out to a huge pop. The match was about to start, but another ref ran down with a note. Justin Roberts read the note “from the new COO, Triple H.” (You mean he is there and doesn’t have time to come out himself?) The note said due to the actions of Ricardo earlier tonight, he was banned from ringside.

(8) John Cena beat WWE champion Alberto Del Rio via DQ; Del Rio retained the WWE Title. Good Match for Cena & Del Rio until Ricardo then came down and started hitting Cena with a chair. & Del Rio was DQ, Ricardo & Del Rio beat down Cena until CM Punk made the save. The show ended with Cena & Punk looking at each other before Cena pose & high five with the fans.