Impact Wrestling Results (8/25): Hogan Calls Out Sting, Angle vs Crimson

Hulk Hogan, Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair are in their office and Hogan and Eric are still pissed about Flair making the stipulation with Sting. Hogan says he is still confident in Flair, but he refuses to get in the ring with Sting because he is out of his mind. Flair says he will make it up to him somehow, and Hogan says they will squash this and get Sting in the ring and end this. He asks Flair for one favor and he needs him to keep his mouth shut when they do this, and Flair promises to not say a word.

Angelina Love, Sarita & Rosita vs Jackie, ODB & Velvet Sky

Sarits drives a knee into Jackie's stomach and punches her as she makes a tag, but Jackie fights back and tags in Velvet. They hit each other for a bit then Velvet kicks Sarita off the ropes but gets caught in a slingshot and gets sent into the corner. Rosita works with her and they use quick tags to keep Velvet isolated in their corner, but she hits an elbow to knock Rosita down as Angelina blind tags herself in.

All six women get involved here as Angelina works on Velvet and Jackie and ODB clear the ring. Angelina drops Velvet with an inverted DDT, then taunts her as she stands up. Jackie and ODB slide back in the ring and kick her in the stomach and drop her with a double team DDT. They drag Velvet over to Angelina and put her on top to make the cover and they get the win. Rosita and Sarita yell at Angelina and tell her that they lost because of her and they argue back and forth. Angelina shoves them both and leaves the ring as Velvet checks herself on the ring steps.

Winners – Jackie, ODB & Velvet Sky


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