WWE RAW Results (9/12) – Punk/HHH Final Confrontation

Randy Orton vs Cody Rhodes

Cody takes a backdrop off the ropes as Mark Henry makes his way out to the stage, and Orton grabs a chair and chases him to the back. Cody tries hitting Orton from behind, but he gets clotheslined to the floor and rolled in the ring for a two count. Orton kicks him in the corner then climbs the middle rope and punches him in the head a few times and clotheslines him out of the corner for a two count. Henry makes his way back out to the ramp and Orton starts walking towards him, then realizes Cody is behind him. Cody jumps off the apron and kicks him in the head as we go to a commercial.

Cody throws Orton into the corner when we return, then jumps down on his arm and drives his knee into the shoulder and punches in the head. Orton tries to work his way to his feet and punches Cody in the face, then avoids a bulldog by throwing Cody across the ring and looks to the ramp as Henry makes his way down to the ring. Orton hits a powerslam then attempts a delayed DDT, but Cody counters and goes for Cross Rhodes, and Orton reverses it and hits a delayed DDT. He sets up for a RKO, and Henry distracts him by walking around ringside, then Cody hits him in the face with his mask and hits Cross Rhodes for the win.

Winner – Cody Rhodes

Henry gets in the ring and smashes Orton with a chair, then tells the ringside official to hand him the title. He holds it over his head, then stands over Orton and screams at him and tells him this is what it is all about. Henry drops the title on Orton's chest then leaves the ring and heads up the ramp as a referee checks on Orton.


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