WWE SmackDown Results – September 16, 2011

Up Next: “The Cutting Edge”

A video package airs hyping up the Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton match at the upcoming “Night Of Champions” pay-per-view this Sunday. After the video package, we see Edge backstage heading to the ring. Josh Matthews on commentary announces that “The Cutting Edge” with Randy Orton and Mark Henry is up next. On that note, we head to commercial.

The Cutting Edge With Randy Orton & Mark Henry

We return to Smackdown and Edge’s music is already playing, and Edge is already in the ring ready for The Cutting Edge. Edge talks about how important Toronto is to him. He talks about being at WrestleMania when The Ultimate Warrior beat Hulk Hogan in Toronto. He mentions his first WWE title victory in Toronto. After that, he introduces his first guest – Mark Henry. “Somebody gonna get they ass whooped” plays as “The World’s Strongest Man” makes his way to the ring. Henry grabs a mic. Edge then announces his second guest, Henry’s opponent this Sunday – Randy Orton. Orton makes his way to the ring. Orton grabs a mic. Edge reminds them of Teddy Long’s no-contact rule for each man during The Cutting Edge tonight. Edge says if he’s being honest, he tells Orton it’s probably a good thing there’s no contact tonight. He says let’s face it, Henry has been tearing everyone up. He tells Orton that Henry has done things to him that no man has ever done. Edge asks if Orton thinks he can honestly beat Henry this Sunday. Orton tells Edge he’s right, Henry has demolished many people – Kane and The Big Show included. Orton says the only times Henry puts his hands on him, is after Orton has already had a match. Orton says so Henry has never proven anything to him yet. Orton says maybe Henry knows his absolute best just isn’t good enough against him. Orton repeats Edge’s question, and says he doesn’t THINK he can beat Henry – he KNOWS he can. Edge tells Henry that what Orton is saying is the truth. He tells Henry that his career has been dissappointing. Edge says when he started in WWE in 1998, Henry was already a veteran here. He says as big and devastating he is, he’s never won the WWE or World title before. He asks how is that possible. He said by now Henry should already be a legendary champion. Edge then ponders why he hasn’t won the big one yet. Edge says maybe Henry doesn’t have the desire. He tells Henry that where Orton is right now as champion, it’s a whole different level. He tells Henry that maybe he isn’t ready for that level. Henry tells Edge the only reason he isn’t going to kick his ass for that is because, he’s right. Henry says for 15 years he’s seen smaller and weaker men become champion. He says WWE always told him to go out there and smile, and “show that personality.” He tells Orton that he’s done smiling. He’s done showing personality. He says now he’s here to destroy, and he’s going to take what Orton’s got. Henry said for 15 years he’s shown what he can do, and it still hasn’t worked. He said it’s taken 15 years for him to get in a title shot. He said this Sunday he will become the World Heavyweight Champion. Orton tells Henry the match this Sunday will be symbolic of Henry’s career. He says he might look good, come close, but he’ll wind up what he’s been for the past 15 years – the “World’s Strongest Failure.” Henry drops his mic, as he’s pissed off. Orton drops his mic too. Edge chimes in and reminds them of the no-contact rule. Edge slowly leaves the ring and says the no-contact rule was only during The Cutting Edge segment. As he finally exits the ring, he quickly says “and The Cutting Edge is now over.” Henry and Orton start brawling. Both guys are firing away with punches. The entire Smackdown locker room spills out to the ring to try and seperate the two guys. They manage to do so, but then Henry shrugs all of them off by himself and goes back at Orton. The entire roster holds Henry back, leaving Orton by himself. Orton flies over the guys and lands some more shots on Henry. The roster seperates them again. Orton comes to fly in again, but this time Henry catches him and hits him with the “World’s Strongest Slam.” Henry beats up the rest of the Smackdown roster, just got the hell of it, before landing a big splash on Orton in the center of the ring. Henry starts dumping bodies out of the ring. He hits a second big splash on Orton in the center of the ring. Henry dumps some more bodies out of the ring while Booker T yells that “somebody should call the police” on commentary. Henry hits a third big splash on Orton in the ring. The announcers do their “concerned voices” as they talk about how much damage Henry just inflicted on Orton right before their title match this Sunday. Henry grabs Orton’s belt. He poses with it over a beaten down Orton as the crowd boo’s and the show fades out. And that’s Smackdown for Friday, September 16, 2011.

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