WWE RAW Results (9/26) – Superstars Unhappy w/ HHH, Ryder Gets US Title Shot, Punk vs Del Rio Main Event

Swagger keeps Kofi down with some knees to the back, then tries to suplex him but Kofi floats over and makes a tag to Zack. He comes in and throws a few punches, but Swagger drops him with a clothesline and makes the tag to Mason. He gets in and waits for Zack to get up, then fakes everyone out and levels Swagger with a clothesline. He starts laughing as Vickie screams at him, and he pulls Dolph in the ring and drops him with a gorilla press into a spinning side slam. He leaves the ring and watches from the ramp as Zack drops Dolph with the Rough Ryder and makes the cover and picks up the win.

Winners – Zack Ryder & Air Boom

David Otunga is seated in a locker room talking to Dolph, Vickie, Christian and Cody in the locker room and he says they need to protect themselves and stop HHH. He informs them that he spoke with John Laurinitis, and says he isn't sure they need to file a lawsuit, but if they are they all need to be on the same page. They all agree and start discussing what needs to happen if they are going to be successful.

Alberto Del Rio vs CM Punk

Punk flips Alberto over his shoulder and punches him on the top of the head then throws him outside and hits him with a jumping knee. Punk takes him around the side of the ring and intentionally throws him towards John Cena at the announcer's table. Cena gets up and Punk taunts him, then turns around and gets knocked down with a knee by Alberto. He punches Punk in the corner then steps on the back on his head until the ref calls for a break, and he backs off then runs at Punk. He misses a corner elbow and Punk punches him in the head then knees him a few times and runs at him near the apron. Alberto ducks him and hits an enziguiri that knocks Punk to the floor. (Cont'd…)


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