WWE RAW Results (9/26) – Superstars Unhappy w/ HHH, Ryder Gets US Title Shot, Punk vs Del Rio Main Event

After a commercial break, Alberto kicks Punk from the corner and drops him with a DDT for a two count, then runs off the ropes and kicks him in the head. He starts working on Punk's left arm and pushes on his chin for leverage, and Punk makes it to his feet but he misses Alberto and runs shoulder first into the ringpost. Alberto goes back to working on the arm by applying an armbar, then clotheslining Punk when he tries to kick his way out. Alberto runs at Punk near the ropes, but Punk moves out of the way and crashes to the floor.

When they get back in the ring Punk gets a near fall, but Alberto goes right back to attacking the left arm of Punk and puts him in a half chicken wing submission. Punk makes it to his feet and headbutts Alberto, then hits a spinning neckbreaker for a near fall and gets back to his feet and tries to shake the feeling back into his arm. He dropkicks Alberto then hits a high knee lift in the corner, and he goes for a bulldog but Alberto shoves him away and jumps down on Punk's arm with his knee. Alberto sets up for a Cross Armbreaker, but Punk pushes him back and kicks him in the ribs, then kicks him in the side of the head and makes the cover to win.

Winner – CM Punk

Ricardo Rodriguez attacks Punk as the cell starts to lower and Cena leaves the announce table and says he can't let this happen. He grabs him and throws him under the lowering cage, then chases him around and into the ring. Punk gets a hold of him and knocks him out with the GTS, then he falls in front of Cena who finishes it off with an Attitude Adjustment. Punk tries to deliver a GTS to Cena, but he slides out and shoves Punk away as Alberto rolls in the ring and levels both Cena and Punk with a chair. He wedges the chair in between the turnbuckles and kicks Cena, then throws Punk shoulder first into the chair, picks it up and continues to hit both men with it. He holds it above his head and points and Cena, then throws the chair at the cage wall and yells at both of them as they lay on the mat.