Chair Shot Reality

WWE Smackdown Results – October 14, 2011

Sin Cara vs. Justin Gabriel

Justin Gabriel is out first as his music sounds in the arena. He makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring with a mixed reaction from fans in the audience. Sin Cara’s music sounds with his dark entrance to the ring. The match is formally announced as the bell rings and the match begins. Justin automatically goes on the offensive to start the match off. He makes his way to the top turnbuckle, only to be knocked off his feet by Sin Cara. Sin Cara follows up with a top rope senton for a quick win in barely over a minute.


Teddy is shown talking backstage with Air Boom about Bourne’s injuries. Vickie Guerrero comes into the shot and demands that Air Boom defend their titles tonight. Teddy gives her a quick shrug off and says no. Ryder walks in to the shot and says that Swagger should face Kofi Kingston and himself tonight. Teddy agreed to the match and Vickie is shown stomping off in a huff.

Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio is shown driving out an Audi R8 as he makes his way to the ring. Out next is Sheamus as his music sounds in the arena and pyro goes off. The match is announced by Ricardo Rodriguez as the bell rings and the match begins. Sheamus takes the early lead hitting several clubbing blows across the chest of Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio makes a turn around and comes back working the arm on Sheamus. Sheamus once again retaliates and hits the Irish Curse backbreaker on Del Rio. Sheamus makes his way to the top and Ricardo Rodriguez tried to interfere. Sheamus catches the attempt and punches him backwards. Christian comes running down the ramp and up tot he ring where he knocks Sheamus down, giving Del Rio the opportunity to hit the step-up enziguri and then another kick for the three count.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

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