Live Fan Report From AWE “Night of Legends” PPV; Results

Thanks to KPCrash for sending this in:

Here is my recap of the evening's events.

Opened with Tommy Dreamer v Terry Funk. Funk talked for a minute and got Tommy close, hit him with the mic – this was the highlight of the match. Some very slow back and forth for about 3 minutes, Tommy hits the roll up for the clean pin.

Next up was Jamin Olivencia v Sonjay Dutt. Decent match with a lot of grandstanding. Sonjay still looks pretty good. Nothing too memorable except a low blow by Jamin to get the pin on Sanjay.

The next match was Perry Saturn v. C.W. Anderson – probably the most solid match of the night. Saturn looked good, took a bump early and got cut, but kept going. Saturn Pinned C.W. cleanly after about 10 minutes of a good back and forth bout.

The "Special Challenge" was Short Sleeve Sampson vs. Abo Shongo. Terrible match. There was just no coordination between the two, things were a bit out of sync.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan v. Mohammed Akbar – typical Duggan match. Good slugfest, feel good, lots of USA chants. Akbar didn't look very promising.