WWE RAW Results (1/9) – Brodus Clay Debuts, CM Punk vs Jack Swagger, Kane Attacks Again

Chris Jericho is introduced by Justin Roberts as 'the only man to ever beat Steve Austin and the Rock in the same night' and the first Undisputed Champion, then he makes his way to the ramp. He high fives people on the way to the ring then does the same thing as last week where he goes around the ring to get the fans all pumped up. Jericho asks for a mic and listens to the chants, then looks overwhelmed and motions that he needs a moment to collect himself but he starts to get emotional. He puts the mic down and leaves the ring, then pretends to cry and he backs up the ramp and says he is sorry but he can't do this and leaves.  

Eve Torres makes her entrance for her match and waits for Beth Phoenix but Kane's music hits and Eve gets scared and looks around but Zack Ryder runs out and rushes her to safety. They are shown running to a car and Eve gets in but Zack notices that the tire is flat so he tells her to lock the doors. Zack tries to change the flat tire as quick as he can but struggles while Eve bangs on the window and tells him to hurry because they need to get out of there before Kane finds them.

John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

Dolph runs the ropes and avoids Cena then shows off and puts him in a headlock, but Cena throws him back and catches him with a drop toe hold. Dolph comes right back with a legdrop bulldog for two then follows with a bridging headlock and stands on his head, but Cena counters out with a side suplex. Dolph runs at him and hits a few elbows but Cena rolls away and hits a shoulder block and sit out side slam then calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Kane is shown attacking Zack Ryder outside and Dolph applies a sleeperhold in the ring while Kane chokeslams Zack off the loading dock. Cena throws Dolph into the steps then runs outside and looks around but ends up getting attacked by Kane from behind. Kane chokes out Cena right above where Zack is laid out on some wooden palettes, then he gets up and looks at his destruction as RAW goes off the air.

Result – No Contest (?)

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