WWE RAW Results (2/20) – HHH Says He Will End The Streak In HIAC Match, Battle Royal For WM Title Shot

David Otunga (w/ John Laurinaitis) vs Ezekiel Jackson (w/ Teddy Long)

Zeke shoves Otunga to the mat then hits him a few times before the ref backs him off, then Otunga clotheslines him and gets a two count. Otunga continues to punch him then applies a headlock, but Zeke gets to his feet and hits a few clotheslines, then goes for a corner splash but Otunga moves. Otunga waits for him to turn around and drops Zeke with The Verdict and makes the pin, then John mocks Teddy and celebrates with Otunga.

Winner – David Otunga

Undertaker makes his entrance and gets in the ring and says he has remembered the beating the took last year, but it has been a mental hell everyday for him. He says his physical wounds have healed but he can't take the uncertainty, so he challenged HHH to a rematch but didn't expect the answer he got. Taker says he was rejected, but the choice was not for HHH because this needs to come to an end because they are the last of their generation. He goes on to say that HHH is hiding behind the corporate life, but they need to end things because HHH can't lie to himself. Taker says he will come out and look him in the eyes because this is much bigger than the both of them, because it is actually the apocalypse. 

HHH comes out to meet him and talks about the challenge, but Taker tells him to shut up because he doesn't need his pity. He says HHH's excuse should be pitied, and HHH says they are an end of an era but they are supposed to continue it instead of ending it. HHH says Taker is the leader to carry the next generation, and he won't be the guy to end things because it's bad for business. Taker asks if it is bad that he would be gone, or if it is worse if HHH is gone, and HHH says it is just plain bad. He says he gets it, but he has never been so certain about anything and he knows Taker can look within himself and see it too. HHH says Taker is only asking for an end, and he knows what he needs to do to finish him and asks if that is what he really wants. (Cont'd…)


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