WWE Smackdown Results (2/21) – Super Smackdown, Cody Gets Under Big Show’s Skin, Punk vs Bryan Ends In Controversy

CM Punk joins Matt Striker in the back to talk about tonight's match, and Punk says he made a home on Smackdown and he actually likes the Teddy Long. He says he doesn't like John Laurinaitis and hopes he gets fired so he gets a job at Men's Wearhouse, then mocks him and turns his attention to tonight. Punk says he was rebellious and bragged about straight edge, but Bryan upped the ante and says he doesn't have a television and won't eat meat. He says he will be pissed if Daniel Bryan tries to get AJ to shave her head because it is copyright infringement, then Punk tells Striker he will teach Bryan how to lose tonight.

Champion vs Champion
Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk

Bryan sweeps Punk's leg then puts him in a headlock, but Punk reverses it then hits a shoulder block and they go on to trade multiple pin attempts. They standoff as we go to a break, and we return to see Punk kneeing Bryan in the ribs, then Bryan kicks him in the corner and whips him across the ring. Punk tries to come back with a springboard crossbody but Bryan throws him out of the way and Punk starts yelling out and holding his arm. Bryan drags him back to the middle and kicks his arm a few times then puts him in an armbar, and Punk tries to break it so Bryan suplexes him. He kicks Punk again and continues to counter his attacks until Punk comes back with a backbreaker and a heel kick.

Punk ducks a kick and goes for a GTS, then Bryan tries to counter with a LeBell Lock and ends up rolling outside to avoid a spin kick by Punk. Bryan says he is leaving and asks for his title, but Sheamus runs down and throws him in the ring and allows Punk to hit a spin kick for the win. John Laurinaitis hurries out and says he won't stand for injustice and says the match will continue due to outside interference, then takes a seat at ringside as we go to another break. (Cont'd…)


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