WWE RAW Results (2/27) – Jericho Confronts Punk, GMs Fight For Power, The Rock Returns To RAW

Punk comes back with kicks of his own and some knees to the back, then he sends Bryan out to the floor and sets up for a plancha but AJ gets in the way. Bryan uses the distraction to attack Punk, then he throws him into the ring steps and rolls in the ring as we go to another break. Bryan has Punk in an abdominal stretch when we get back, but Punk escapes the hold and avoids a dropkick, then clotheslines Bryan a few times and drops him with a neckbreaker. Punk hits a running knee and goes for a bulldog, but Bryan shoves him off so Punk bodyslams him and hits a top rope elbow. Punk gets up slowly but ends up calling for the GTS, only to have David Otunga jump on the apron and he runs interference while Bryan tries to apply the LeBell Lock.

Punk escapes then both guys collide, and Santino knocks Otunga out with the Cobra then John shoves Santino off the apron. Bryan tries leaving with AJ but Sheamus runs out and throws him in the ring, and Punk hits a GTS but John runs in and tells the ref to stop everything. Teddy ends up getting in the ring and shoves John down and they scream in each other's faces while Punk walks up the ramp and gets attacked by Jericho. He bodyslams Punk on the top of the stage then puts him in the (REAL) Walls Of Jericho until referees run out and make him break the hold. Jericho holds up the WWE Championship and tells Punk he should enjoy it now because it will be his in four weeks, then drops the title and leaves.

Result – No Contest

Kelly Kelly vs Nikki Bella

Kelly dives at Nikki and hits a Thesz press, but Nikki comes back and throws her head into the mat then hits a snapmare dive for a two count. Nikki kicks Kelly in the corner and runs at her, but Kelly trips her up then knocks her down with a spinning headscissors and a bulldog. Brie tries to check on her sister but Kelly kicks her off the apron, then rolls through a pin attempt by Nikki and gets a bridging pin for the win.

Winner – Kelly Kelly


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