Complete 3/4 Ring Ka King Results: Matt Morgan vs Magnus

Ring Ka KingThanks to Darshan Chokhani for sending this in:

Show starts with Jeff Jarrett apologizing to Harbhajan and stating that tonight's title match will be fair and square.

Match 1: Hollywood & Broadway VS Bollywood Boys- A good match up between Hollywood (home of US entertainment business) & Bollywood (home of Indian entertainment business). Bollywood Boys won the match along with the support of the fans.

Ram interviews with Chavo & Hart on Jeff Jarrett's arrival. Pathani Pathe comes in and asks for a tag title shot.

Hotel Room- One of the Sheiks along with Raisha is standing outside Mickie James' room. They bluff her to open the room and Raisha attacks James.

Match 2: Romeo Rapta VS Roscoe Jackson- Romeo was bandaged in the rib after he has brutally hit last night by Abyss. Jackson won the match and started hitting Romeo post the match.

Ram interviews Morgan on his title defense and possible sell-out of RKK to Jeff Jarrett.

Harbhajan comes to the ring to acknowledge Jeff's apology.

Match 3 (Title match): Morgan VS Magnus- AT the start, Jeff comes at ringside as an audience with tickets and then is allowed to sit behind the commentators. Deadly Danda is at ringside to stop outside interference. It was a good match, crowd was really behind Morgan. From nowhere Jwala comes up and referee tries to stop him, on the other side Jeff tries to interfere when Deadly Danda stops him. Then surprising everybody, Deadly Danda enters the ring and hit Morgan. Magnus capitalized the opportunity to win the match and the Ring Ka King title. All his partners and Jeff along with Deadly Danda celebrate his win. All the other wrestlers try to enter but are thrown away by the team of Jeff Jarrett. Then comes Harbhajan comes with a wicket in the hand inside the ring. Jeff and his team leaves the ring with Jeff continuing his verbal spat with Harbhajan from outside.

Next week- A coronation for Magnus on his win and a confrontation with Jazzy.


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