Diamond Dallas Page On Changing Lives For The Better

WrestleZone.com reader Shannon Rose sent along the following …

Changing Lives for the Better

Guest Opportunity: Diamond Dallas Page, Founder of DDPYOGA, Fitness Expert and Former WWE and WCW Superstar

Staying fit and in shape are vital to living along, healthy life. One of the most popular and effective ways to keep in shape is yoga. DDPYOGA is the most effective, challenging and results oriented forms of yoga out there.

Everyone from elite athletes to those who are out of shape and hindered by old injuries can use DDPYOGA to improve their quality of life, increase their cardiovascular health, lose body fat while gaining lean muscle and live with less pain.

The system’s creator, pro-wrestling legend Diamond Dallas Page (DDP), has bounced back from injuries that would have ended other people’s careers due to the resiliency he built up using this system. Now he wants to help others get in shape, lose weight, and build resiliency. Most of all, DDP wants to change lives.

Diamond Dallas Page can answer questions related to health, fitness and yoga such as:

-What is a good exercise regiment for someone trying to recover from or mitigate the risk of further injuries?

-What are the health benefits of DDPYOGA over other forms of exercise?

-How can DDPYOGA help someone lose weight?

-What sort of diet best accompanies this form of exercise?

-What is the difference between DDPYOGA and traditional yoga?

-How can DDPYOGA help athletes perform at higher levels?

-What is his daily workout like?

-How can his DDPYOGA workouts benefit people of all fitness levels?

-How did yoga help him recover from injuries he sustained in the ring?

Meet Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)

-One of the TOP Professional Wrestlers in the world

-Founder of DDPYOGA

-Created a yoga workout that helped him and those who use it

-Success story by Arthur Boorman – YouTube.com

For more information about Diamond Dallas Page and DDPYOGA, visit: http://www.ddpyoga.com


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