TNA “Victory Road” PPV Results – March 18, 2012

Backstage: Jeremy Borash With Kurt Angle

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Kurt Angle. Angle says hello to his son Cody. Angle says he doesn’t like his son watching violence, but he wants his son to see every second of his match with Jeff Hardy because he’s going to destroy him and show what’s wrong with Hardy. He claims he’ll rip Hardy’s hair off and shove it down his throat. He says he’ll rip Hardy’s socks off his arm and choke him with them. He says after tonight, Hardy is going to need even more makeup after Angle gives him an extreme makeover.

Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Hardy

Hardy gets a big reaction coming out. Angle and Hardy trade offense early. Angle gets a nice, long stretch of offense. The two battle out to the floor, where Hardy whips Angle into the ringside steps. Hardy tries following up with a jump off the stairs onto Angle, but Angle moves, resulting in Hardy crashing down on the guard rail. Back in the ring, Hardy hits a Whisper in the Wind for a nearfall. Angle hits a series of German Suplexes. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Hardy counters into a Twist Of Fate. Hardy goes to the top, but Angle speedily goes up after him and suplexes him off. Angle slaps on the Ankle Lock. Hardy kicks his way out and hits another Twist Of Fate. Angle kicks out during the pin attempt. Hardy goes for the Swanton Bomb but Angle gets his knees up to counter. Angle hits the Angle Slam on Hardy but Hardy kicks out just in time. A “this is awesome” chant breaks out from the fans in attendance. Angle chokes Hardy with his own arm-band, as he promised he would, until the referee takes it away from him. Angle is the victim of a third Twist Of Fate from Hardy. Hardy is in control of the offense now. Hardy hits the Swanton off the top. Hardy goes for the cover, but Angle reverses it into a pin attempt of his own. Angle uses the ropes as leverage and scores the three count for the victory.

Winner: Kurt Angle

Continued on page seven …


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