TNA “Victory Road” PPV Results – March 18, 2012

Backstage: Jeremy Borash With Sting

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Sting. He brings up various things from Twitter again. Sting blows off the question from Twitter. Sting says he’s tired of Twitter and Facebook. He says he feels like wrestling. End segment.

No Holds Barred: Sting vs. Bobby Roode

Half of Sting’s face is painted in clean black-and-white, while the other half is smeared. Borash does the formal main-event introductions. The bell rings and the two go face-to-face. Roode yaps at Sting but Sting just smiles. Sting slaps Roode in the face a few moments later. Roode is working over Sting’s arm early. Sting fights back and Roode bails out to the floor. Sting is in control of the offense for a few moments until Roode again bails out to the floor. Roode tries heading towards the back, but Sting charges after him and nails him with a big clothesline on the entrance ramp. Sting throws Roode back into the ring after beating him up on the floor a bit more. Back in the ring, Roode catches Sting with a cheap shot. Roode pulls Sting over to the corner and wraps his leg around the corner ring post. Roode assaults the leg again, whipping it against the post. Roode heads back into the ring and stomps away at the knees of Sting. Roode elbow drops Sting’s knee. Roode continues to work over Sting’s knee/leg for several more minutes. Sting eventually battles back to his feet. Roode tries hitting Sting with a few strong chops, but Sting no-sells them and seems to be firing up. Sting screams in Roode’s face, hitting him with punches, then clotheslines. Sting whips Roode into the ropes and hits a back body drop. Sting kicks at the backs of Roode’s legs. Sting whips Roode across the ring and hits a big Stinger splash. Sting goes for another splash, but he misses and crashes in the corner. Roode heads up to the top, but Sting stops him with a right hand. Sting locks in the Scorpion deathlock. Roode raises his hand, but he doesn’t tap. He’s able to make it to the ropes to force Sting to break the hold. Roode rolls to the apron and hangs Sting up across the ropes throat first. Roode hits a spear and goes for the pin, getting a two count. Roode struggles to get to his feet, looking frustrated. Roode heads to the outside and looks under the ring, grabbing a steel chair. Roode slides back into the ring and grabs the chair, setting it up in the middle of the ring. Roode heads over to Sting and goes for a powerbomb, but Sting fights it off. Sting hits a scorpion death drop, but hits his own head on the chair Roode had set up. Roode manages to cover Sting and get the three count for the pinfall.

Winner: Bobby Roode

After The Match:

After the match, Roode brings a chair and Dixie Carter into the ring. Dixie tries begging off. Roode screams at Dixie to look at Sting and shut up. Sting gets back to his feet. He fights Roode off, sending him to the floor. Sting tries helping Dixie, which allows Roode to come back in and nail Sting with a big chair shot. Roode grabs some duct tape from under the ring. Roode tapes Sting’s arms to the ropes. Roode grabs Dixie by the hair. He tells Dixie to kiss his ass. Roode goes to attack Sting with a chair but Dixie jumps in front of Sting. Roode throws the chair away and asks Dixie if she likes him. He tells her to look at Sting. He wipes some paint off Sting’s face and wipes it onto Dixie. Roode tells Dixie there’s nothing she can do. The PPV ends with Dixie begging away at Roode while Roode paces around the ring looking pissed.

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