WWE Smackdown Results (3/30) – Wrestlemania Preview, Ryder/McIntyre, Jericho/Kofi

WWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

March 30th 2012

Zack Ryder vs Drew McIntyre

Drew locks up with Zack and backdrops him, then he showboats a bit before they lock back up and Drew throws an elbow. Zack comes back with a near roll up and goes for a test of strength, but Drew steps over his arm and kicks him, then picks him back up and headbutts him. Zack comes back with a dropkick and a flapjack, then he climbs the turnbuckle and punches Drew but backs off and runs into a knee strike. Drew hits Zack in the head and gets a near fall, then he applies a modified crossface but Zack breaks the hold so Drew slams him on the mat. He tells Zack to get up and throws him in the corner, then he steps on Zack's head and puts him back in the submission hold.

Zack makes it back to his feet and avoids a clothesline, then Drew kicks him in the face and jumps off the top rope, but Zack gets a boot up on the way down. Zack hits a few clotheslines and a facebuster, then he hits a running forearm shot and follows up with the Broski Boot. He gets Drew down for another near fall then Drew tries to leave, and Zack goes to pull him back in the ring but the ref backs him away. Drew turns around and kicks him in the head, then he goes for a powerbomb but Zack floats over his shoulders and lands in the corner. Zack gets his knees up and hits Drew in the face, then he jumps out of the corner and hits a Rough Ryder for the win.

Winner – Zack Ryder

The second Lord Tensai promo airs, with a man speaking in Japanese and bowing to him.