WWE RAW Results (4/2) – CM Punk Defends Against Mark Henry, Lord Tensai Debuts, Brock Lesnar Returns!

John Laurinaitis comes out and says he wants to make sure Punk has more successful title defenses, and he sees not storm clouds, but a natural disaster in the future. Chris Jericho comes out through the crowd and says he is going to make Punk drink, and he pulls a bottle of whiskey out and pours it all over him. Jericho kicks him in the head and says he wants to make him like his father, so he grabs another bottle and says Punk should be careful about this next drink. He says Punk may want another taste, but this one will go straight to his head and he smashes it over Punk's head then leaves while trainers come out to check on Punk. 

Winner (by countout) – Mark Henry

Sheamus comes out to talk about his title win, but Alberto Del Rio interrupts him, and says Sheamus' win was impressive but no one will remember it. He says Sheamus will lose the title just as fast as he won it, and Alberto is better than Daniel Bryan because he doesn't hide behind a woman. Sheamus says it is great to see him because the people don't want to hear him talk; they just want him to Brogue Kick him in the head. Alberto says he doesn't want a fight, but John Laurinaitis gave him a return match for this Friday, and he will get a future title shot when he wins. Alberto's mic keeps cutting out so he asks Ricardo for another one, but he turns around and walks into a Brogue Kick. Ricardo checks on Alberto while Sheamus celebrates on the ramp, then Daniel Bryan and AJ are shown watching backstage. Josh Mathews asks how he feels about Alberto getting kicked like he did last night, but Bryan remains silent and Josh thanks him for his time.

Cody Rhodes vs Kofi Kingston

Cody throws Kofi to the mat and kicks him, but Kofi comes back with a springboard crossbody and gets a near fall. Kofi backdrops but Cody lands on his feet and hits a Beautiful Disaster kick, but Big Show comes out and says he has a Wrestlemania clip. He says he hopes Cody isn't embarrassed then shows himself knocking Cody out last night. Cody gets angry and turns back to the match, but Kofi surprises him with Trouble In Paradise and makes the cover.

Winner – Kofi Kingston


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