WWE RAW Results (4/30) – New Tag Champs, Beat The Clock Challenge, Cena’s OTL Opponent Revealed

Beat The Clock Challenge
Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger (w/ Vickie Guerrero)

Orton gets whipped into the corner but fires back with a clothesline, then Swagger hits a Swagger Bomb for a near fall. He goes for a gutwrench suplex but Orton counters with a backbreaker, then Orton whips him off the ropes and Swagger takes his knees out. Swagger hits a shoulder tackle for another near fall, then he punches Orton in the corner and goes for another Swagger Bomb. Orton kicks him in the head and hits a powerslam and a hanging DDT, then he goes for a RKO but Swagger counters with an ankle lock. Orton reaches the ropes and sends Swagger into the turnbuckles, then he hits a RKO and makes the cover with two seconds remaining.

Winner – Randy Orton (4:16)

WWE Tag Team Championships
R-Truth & Kofi Kingston vs Primo & Epico (w/ Rosa Mendes)

Primo mocks Truth and "kicks" Little Jimmy, then Truth knocks him on the mat before dancing and clotheslining him out of the ring. We get back after a commercial and Truth gets a near fall, then Epico distracts him long enough for Primo to throw him in the corner. Epico tags in and kicks him, then Truth unloads on both of them with some kicks but they double team him and knock him down. Primo puts him in a headlock, but Truth breaks it at knocks him down, then Kofi tags in a hits a few dropkicks. Kofi hits a flying forearm and the Boom Drop, then he calls for Trouble In Paradise but Rosa gets on the apron. Epico tries to hit him from behind but Kofi shoves him back, then Truth snaps his head off the ropes and Kofi hits Trouble In Paradise for the win.

Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions – R-Truth & Kofi Kingston

Beat The Clock Challenge
Kane vs The Great Khali

Kane kicks Khali in the ribs, but Khali throws him in the corner and chops him before following Kane to another corner and doing it again. Kane chokes Khali and kicks his legs out, then Kane looks at the clock and hits a DDT for a two count. He continues to punch Khali on the ground and gets another near fall, then he looks at the clock again and goes up top. Khali gets hit with a diving clothesline and kicks out of a pin fall, then Kane hits him on the apron but Khali chops Kane and knocks him outside. He brings Kane back in the ring but Kane attempts a chokeslam, then they have a standoff as the clock counts down and Kane chokeslams him out of frustration. 

Result – No Contest


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