TNA Sacrifice

TNA “Sacrifice” PPV Results – May 13, 2012

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews AJ Styles

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with AJ Styles. Styles says tonight won’t be the first time he’s wrestled Kurt Angle. He claims that if he’s not 100-percent focused on Angle, he doesn’t stand a chance at beating him tonight. Styles says he’s not here at “Sacrifice” tonight to talk about photos, or Kazarian, or Daniels or Dixie Carter. He says he’s here to wrestle Kurt Angle.

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle

Both guys circle each other as the bell sounds to kick this one off. Styles goes for Angle’s leg early. Both guys end up on the mat, doing some amateur-style chain wrestling. Styles rolls out of an Angle hold. Angle takes Styles back down to the mat. The two wrestle a bit more, with Angle getting the better of the two, before Styles rolls out to the floor to regroup. Angle drops down, amateur-wrestling style, and tells Styles to try him. Styles simply kicks him in the gut. Styles works over Angle in the corner with punches and kicks. Styles attempts a suplex, but Angle counters. Angle tries for a belly-to-belly suplex but Styles fights out and rolls up Angle for a pin attempt. No dice. Styles tries the Styles Clash on Angle, but Angle counters. Angle tries for the Ankle Lock but Styles kicks his way out. Styles catches Angle with a big kick, but misses a springboard move. Styles comes right back with a nasty across the knee neckbreaker that’s good for another two count. Styles hits a springboard forearm to Angle’s face for another near fall. Styles tries for the Styles clash, but Angle blocks it with a back body drop. Angle charges, but Styles side-steps him and Angle crashes to the outside. Styles springboards to the outside with a flying forearm shot to Angle. Styles sends Angle back into the ring, but on his way in, he’s caught with a huge kick to the ribs. Angle brings Styles in with a big suplex and he goes for the pin, but is only able to get a two count. Angle picks Styles up and seats him on the top rope. Angle goes up after AJ, but Styles fights him off. Angle runs right back in and up the ropes, sending AJ flying with a huge belly to belly superplex. Angle pins Styles but it’s still not enough for three. Angle tries for the Angle slam, but Styles counters out and hits the Pele. Styles hits the Styles clash and goes for the pin but Angle kicks out at two. Angle teases hitting Styles with his own Styles Clash, but Styles avoids it. Angle is now trying to go for the Ankle Lock, but Styles avoids that and tries a hurricanrana. Angle avoids the hurricanrana and hits the Styles Clash on Styles. Styles kicks out at two during Angle’s pin attempt. Angle tries for a moonsault off the top, but Styles gets out of the way in time. Styles then hits a flipping springboard senton onto Angle, but Angle still manages to kick out at two. Angle goes back to the top again. This time, Daniels and Kazarian are out to cause a distraction, taking out Styles’ legs. This allows Angle to hit the Angle Slam on Styles. However, Styles still refuses to be pinned. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock yet again. This time he grapevines the leg and Styles is eventually forced to tap out, giving Angle the victory.

Winner: Kurt Angle

Continued on page eight …


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