Impact Wrestling Results (5/17) – Hulk Announces Bobby Roode Will Defend Title Next Week, Four Open Fight Night Qualifying Matches, Knockouts Title Triple Threat

Open Fight Night Qualifier
Wild Card Battle Royal

Eric Young and ODB are the final entrants announced, and they run to the ring and start attacking everyone, but Crimson, EY and ODB end up eliminating each other. They continue to attack Crimson and fight to the back as Magnus tries skinning the cat but Austin Aries dropkicks him out of the ring. Madison Rayne appears on the ramp to watch her "crush" in the match, and Devon and AJ take turns punching Gunner in the corner. Garret Bischoff almost gets thrown to the floor by Rob Terry, but he holds the ropes while Aries and Devon work on Gunner on the other side of the ring.

Robbie E sneaks up behind Terry and eliminates him, then Robbie tries to say it wasn't him but Devon grabs him by the hair and throws him out as we go to a break. When we return, Aries and AJ work on Gunner while Garret and Devon trade punches, then Devon unloads on him near the ropes but Garret keeps getting back up. Garret tries to whip him off the ropes but Devon comes back with a flying shoulder tackle, then he runs at Garret but he pulls down the ropes and falls to the ground to get eliminated. Garret gets a bit cocky and celebrates while Devon leaves, but AJ surprises him with a hard kick to the face before throwing him out.

Aries and AJ face off before Aries hits a discus forearm smash, then AJ goes for a springboard reverse DDT but Aries counters. He attempts a Brainbuster but AJ counters and punches him in the face, then Aries backdrops him to the apron and tries to tackle him. AJ springboards up and over Aries, and Gunner runs over and tosses Aries over the ropes to eliminate him and it's down to Gunner and AJ. Gunner runs at AJ and tries to clothesline him, but AJ ducks and gets him in a fireman's carry, then he dumps him over the ropes to win the battle royal.

Winner – AJ Styles


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