Live Fan Account of Jericho’s Flag Incident at Sao Paulo Event

Chris JerichoThanks to Carlos Pressentin for sending this in:

My name is Carlos and I was at the House Show yesterday in Sao Paulo.

I will not have time to write a report of the show now (maybe later), but I would like to discuss the Jericho incident. It happened after somebody threw a flag to CM Punk, who waved it and put it on the ground, prior to the match. Jericho then kicked it off the ground. He got the heat he was looking for but nobody seemed genuinely offended, except the police officers who went backstage (because, in the end, he did something against the Brazilian laws). Laurinaitis and a referee stopped the match, the ref spoke to Jericho and he grabbed the microphone and apologized, saying he was very happy to perform in Brazil. The fight continued and to me it was pretty much it, never thought he would be suspended. Personally, I was not offended at all and nobody sitting near me was offended. Hopefully he will not be suspended for long.