The Rock Wraps Movie, Journal Inquirer Files WWE Complaint

Journal Inquirer Files WWE Complaint

The Journal Inquirer has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission against WWE, accusing the company of assisting Linda McMahon's Senate campaign when it threatened to sue JI for criticizing WWE. The article notes:

World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., the Stamford company co-founded by Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon, violated federal election law when it assisted her campaign by threatening to sue the Journal Inquirer for criticizing her, the newspaper says in a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission.

The newspaper’s complaint, lodged late last week, charges that the corporation’s assistance was rendered by WWE Senior Vice President Brian Flinn, who sent the threatening letter accusing the JI of libel. McMahon ran the company as its chief executive before resigning in favor of her husband.

In response, WWE's Senior Vice President, Brian Flinn, had the following to say:

"WWE acted solely and specifically to defend its business and corporate reputation from the reckless and false statement that WWE is in the business of pornography," he said. "This is not about politics or Linda McMahon’s campaign. Further, it is clear to any reasonable person that Mr. Powell was referencing WWE in his column on May 21."

Flinn added that WWE "is not attempting to prevent the media from exercising its First Amendment rights."

"In fact, WWE itself makes a living by exercising those rights," he said. "However, that does not give anyone the right to hide behind the First Amendment to recklessly disregard the facts. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, it is ruthless and in some cases unlawful to disparage a company and its 700 employees with blatant disregard for the truth and damaging misrepresentations."

The Rock Wraps Movie

WWE star Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has posted the following on Twitter:

On set. Last day of PAIN & GAIN. Insane true story – murder, mounds of coke & bodybuilder fanny packs. Been a helluva ride..

1 day ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

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