WWE Smackdown Results (6/8) – Teddy Long Temporarily In Charge, Christian/Ziggler, Sheamus/Kane

Kane has Sheamus in a headlock when we get back, then Sheamus makes it to his feet but Kane catches him with a side slam for a two count. He puts him back in a headlock and twists his neck, but Sheamus breaks it again so Kane whips him into the corner. Sheamus catches him with a dropkick, then he climbs to the top rope and hits a Battering Ram. Sheamus pounds on him in the corner, then he backs up and spears him into the corner. He hits a kneelift and a flying tackle for a two count, then he goes for a fireman's carry slam but Kane slides out. Kane hits a big boot for a two count, then Sheamus catches him with an Irish Curse for another near fall before kneeing him in the back.

Sheamus clubs him on the apron before trying to suplex him back in, but Kane blocks it and snaps his head down on the top rope. Kane goes up top but Sheamus cuts him off, then he ducks a clothesline and hits White Noise. Sheamus gets up and calls for a Brogue Kick, but Kane catches his foot and calls for a chokeslam. Sheamus blocks it and they clothesline each other, then Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo run out but Sheamus sees them. Sheamus knocks Ricardo down and Alberto runs away, then he tells him to come back but Kane attacks Sheamus from behind. AJ runs out and distracts Kane, then Sheamus Brogue Kicks him and Ricardo before yelling at Alberto as the show ends.

Result – No Contest  

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