What Happened After Raw?: Vince, Ryder, Show, HHH All Appear

WWE RawThanks to Mike Madia for sending in the following:

So I just got home from Raw, don't know how it came across on TV but it felt like a sub-par show from in the crowd.

Place was packed, didn't see many empty seats.

Lots of talking segments and commercial breaks had the crowd having trouble keeping the energy up. Other than a few short "Lets go Ziggler" chants they were basically dead during the Swagger/Ziggler match. Mostly because it was a lot of Swagger beating on Dolph's knee and the fans had nothing to cheer.

During the commercial break before the first tag team match, Punk jumped out of the ring to have a discussion with Michael Cole. Almost looked like Cole was giving him instructions. Same thing after the match, short convo between Cole and Punk.

Everyone loved the AJ thing, obviously.

Cyndi Lauper was getting pretty visciously booed (it was great) until Hot Rod came out which sent the crowd into bascially the biggest pop of the night.

After I assume the show went off air, Big Show came back out to beat on Cena, but John ended up getting the upper hand and hit an AA on Show. As Big Show made his way up the ramp, he passed Johnny still crawling around in pain. He stood Johnny up, lifted is shirt and gave not 1, not 2, but as the crowd requested, 3 big slaps to the chest.

Johnny tried getting away again, but Cena said "We cant end the show like this" and brought out Zack Ryder. The Lauranitis beating continued with a Broski Boot. Of course, Triple H comes out to join the fun. The crowd is chanting for a Pedigree, but he said Johnny's front was all red, but his back wasnt, so they pulled up his shirt and delivered some more NASTY chops. Lauranitis was covered in big, red, visible hand prints. Johnny then get his Pedigree, and it looked like he kind of botched it and slammed his face on the mat. Justin Roberts lead the crown in "NA NA NA NA HEY HEY HEY GOODBYE" while Cena and Ryder greeted fans at ringside. As Johnny finally made it to the top of the ramp, Vince's music hit, he appeared and kicked Johnny right in the nuts to send us home happy.

The dark segment featured some great work from Johnny, and made up for a lot of the dragging segments. Decent live show, not the best Ive been to.

Biggest Pops:





Most Heat:

Johnny (Vicki didnt really speak so didnt get a big reaction)

Big Show

Cyndi Lauper as the segment kept dragging on.

Not much else, the crowd had some good moments, but had a hard time staying up.