Ring of Honor “Boiling Point” iPPV Results: 8/11/12

The following results are taken from Richard Trionfo and PWInsider:

Match Number Seven: Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey versus Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis

The Code of Honor is followed for this match.

Maria wants to start and Sara obliges. Maria tags in Bennett before locking up and Edwards is tagged in as well. They lock up and Bennett works on the arm and wrist. Eddie with a reversal into an arm bar. Bennett with a knee and side head lock. Bennett with a shoulder tackle. Edwards tries for an O’Connor Roll but Bennett holds on to the ropes. Edwards with a rana followed by a kick, chop, and back senton for a near fall.

Bennett with a back elbow in the corner. Edwards floats over on an Irish whip and he kicks Bennett and hits a running kick to the chest. Edwards with a chop to Bennett. Bennett with a jawbreaker followed by an elbow to the back of the head. Sara makes the blind tag and Sara with a kick to Bennett. Edwards with a chop and Sara with kicks.

Edwards with a back heel kick and Sara with a kick to the back of the head. Sara asks Maria if she wants to get involved. Del Rey with kicks to the chest and a back heel kick. Maria pulls Sara down by the hair and Bennett tags in Maria.

Maria with a kick to the midsection and she chokes Sara in the ropes. Bennett chokes Del Rey in the ropes and then Edwards is sent back to his corner by the referee. Maria with head butts and then Bennett is tagged back in.

Bennett with a snap mare but Sara with a kick to the head and Eddie is tagged back in. Edwards with a missile drop kick. Edwards with chops to Bennett. Edwards with rapid fire chops in the corner. Bennett with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Edwards puts Bennett in the tree of woe. Edwards with a hesitation drop kick and then Sara with kicks. Edwards with a baseball slide into Bennett while still in the tree of woe and Edwards gets a near fall.

Edwards chops Bennett. Maria grabs Eddie’s leg. Eddie goes to the apron and he sets for the running knee off the apron but Bennett catches Edwards and hits a spear onto the floor. Bennett sends Edwards into the guardrails. They return to the ring and Bennett gets a near fall. Bennett with a slam and then he chokes Edwards with his boot.

Maria tags in and she kicks Edwards and applies a front face lock. Bennett tags back in and Bennett with a snap mare and key lock. Bennett with a knee and he tries for a belly-to-back suplex but Edwards lands on his feet. Edwards with a Codebreaker. Bennett with a slap but Edwards with a super kick. Bennett fires back with a lariat that flips Edwards.

Maria tags in and she gets a near fall. Maria kicks Edwards and Edwards with a single leg trip and Del Rey tags in. Del Rey with three running boots to Maria. Del Rey kicks Bennett off the apron. Del Rey gets Maria on her shoulders but Maria escapes. Sara with a series of forearms followed by an Irish whip. Bennett tags in when Del Rey charges into the corner with a Liger Kick. Edwards tags in and he hits a suicide dive onto Bennett.

Eddie misses a double stomp and Bennett with a boot. Edwards with a backpack Stunner for a near fall. Edwards puts Bennett on the turnbuckles and he chops Michael. Bennett tries for the Box Office Smash but Eddie rolls through and he applies the Achilles Lock. Maria slaps Eddie but he holds on. Sara has Maria in the ankle lock but Maria goes under the ring.

Bennett with the Achilles Lock on Edwards. Del Rey emerges from under the ring and he has Maria’s ring gear in her hands. Sara throws it at Bennett and Eddie with a rollup into the Achilles Lock and Bennett taps out.

Winners: Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey


After the match, Bennett takes Bobby Cruise’s jacket and covers Maria with it.

Steve Corino joins Nigel and Kevin at the announce table.

It is announced that there are no rules and Anything Goes.

Match Number Eight: Ring of Honor World Championship Match: Kevin Steen versus Eddie Kingston

Kingston attacks Corino at ringside and then Steen and Kingston exchange punches. Kingston attacks Jacobs as well. Kingston Irish whips Steen into the guardrails and Kingston with a chop. Jacobs with a rake of the eyes but Kingston returns to the ring and hits a suicide dive onto Steen, Corino, and Jacobs. Kingston sends Jacobs and Corino to the back.

Eddie kicks Steen and sends him back into the ring. Kingston looks under the ring and he gets a chair. Steen blocks the chair shot and hits a Codebreaker using the chair. Steen with a flip leg drop onto the chair on Kingston’s head but Steen can only get a two count.

They go back to the floor and Steen Irish whips Kingston into the guardrails. Steen suplexes Kingston onto one of the steel ROH signs that cover the guardrails. Steen looks under the ring and he gets a turnbuckle and he hits Kingston with it. Steen gets a table from under the ring and he puts it against the guardrails. Eddie avoids going into the table and he stops short. He suplexes Steen through the table.

Kingston rolls Steen back into the ring and Eddie gets another table from under the ring. Eddie puts it on the apron and the Yes chants distract him long enough to allow Steen to recover and hit a baseball slide into the table.

Steen thinks about bringing the table into the ring but he decides to hang it between the ring and guardrails. Steen tries to suplex Steen through the table. Kingston tries to reverse it and suplex Steen through the table but Steen blocks it. Steen power bombs Kingston through the table.

The referee checks on Kingston who is not moving after being power bombed through the table. Some other officials come to ringside to check on Kingston and then they call for the medical staff to check on Eddie.

Steen gets on the mic while they are checking on Kingston. Kevin addresses a fan in the crowd and he uses some colorful language.

Steen says that they were off to a great start. Kevin says that Jim Cornette is at home watching this. He says that he has to give Jim credit because by bringing out people who are not on the roster so he does not have to worry if they get hurt.

Steen tells Kingston that he dedicated this match to Larry Sweeney but he is being carried out.

Kingston returns to the ring and Kingston punches Steen. Steen with forearms but Kingston punches back. Kingston with an Irish whip and Yakuza kick followed by a lariat and Kingston gets a near fall. Steen blocks the spinning back fist. Kingston with a half nelson suplex for a near fall.

Kingston goes to the floor and he looks under the ring and he has another chair. Steen kicks the ropes when Eddie returns to the ring and then Steen with a DDT onto the chair. Steen gets the other chair and he puts it against Eddie’s head and Steen hits the cannonball. Steen rolls Kingston into the center of the ring and he gets a two count.

Steen gets another chair and he brings it into the ring. Steen looks under the ring and gets another table. Steen brings it into the ring. Steen hits Kingston in the ribs with the chair. Kingston misses the spinning back fist again. Kingston with a Saito suplex through the table and he gets a two count. Kingston gets a chair and he sets it up. Steen spits on Kingston and then Kingston hits a Saito suplex through chair but Steen kicks out and Corino pulls the referee out of the ring.

Rhett Titus attacks Corino and they fight to the back. Jacobs has a chain but Kingston with a spinning back fist to Jacobs. Steen with a low blow but he can only get a two count. Steen with F-Cin but Kingston kicks out. Steen gets a chair and he hits Kingston in the back with it. Steen sets the chair up and then he hits Kingston in the back with the other chair.

Kingston spits in Steen’s face and Steen kisses Kingston before hitting F-Cinq through two chairs for the three count.

Winner: Kevin Steen


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