WWE Summerslam Results (8/19) – Y2J/Ziggler, The “Perfect Storm” Hits Hard, Does Punk Earn Respect?

Cena drops Show with a top rope standing legdrop then Punk puts Show in the Anaconda Vise, but Cena simultaneously puts him in the STF and Show taps out. Punk and Cena both think they win then they argue with the ref, but AJ comes out and Punk tells her to do the right thing. Cena says they are conspiring together, but Punk tells them to listen to the fans, then AJ says they will just restart the match. Punk and Cena continue to argue and turn around into a double chokeslam by Show, then he covers them seperately but both men kick out. Show calls for a WMD Punch but Cena ducks and hits an Attitude Adjustment, then Punk jumps up and throws him outside and steals the cover.

Winner – CM Punk

Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) vs HHH

Brock tackles HHH in the corner and drives his shoulder into his ribs, then he tries to put HHH in a kimura lock but HHH shoves him back. He goes back to a standing kimura and grapevines his legs around HHH, but HHH gets to the ropes to break it then he sends Brock out to the floor. Brock gets back in and clotheslines HHH in the corner, then HHH buys time with a kneelift and he clotheslines Brock back out to the floor. Brock takes his time getting back in and he takes his gloves off, then he smiles at HHH and tackles him before punching the back of his head.

HHH rolls to the floor and Brock kicks him in the back, then HHH hits him a few times but Brock knees him in the face and puts him in a keylock. Brock slams him shoulder first on the broadcast table and rolls inside, then Brock drags him back in the ring and hits the same keylock slam. Brock goes for another kimura lock and pulls his arm around the top rope, then he stomps HHH's shoulder and puts him back in the kimura lock. Brock sends him shoulder first into the turnbuckles, then HHH counters a F-5 so Brock picks him up and sends him across the ring with a German suplex. (Cont'd…)