WWE Smackdown Results (8/24) – Dolph Considers Cashing In, Tag Team Turmoil, Orton/ADR To Determine #1 Contender

Ryback vs Jinder Mahal 

Ryback slams Jinder on the mat and punches him in the corner, then he whips him across the ring but Jinder stops him with an elbow to the face. Jinder hits him a few times and sends him into the turnbuckles, then he knees him in the back and hits a running kneelift for a two count. Jinder continues to stomp his back and face, but Ryback catches his boot and backdrops him, then he picks him up and powerslams him. Ryback hits a clothesline and calls for the finish, then he picks Jinder up and hits Shell Shocked for the win.

Winner – Ryback

Alicia Fox vs Layla

Alicia goes for a quick rollup then she applies a headlock, and Layla reverses it then kicks Alicia in the stomach and hits a crossbody. Layla hits the ropes but Alicia comes back with a back heel kick, then Layla tries to go up the turnbuckles but Alicia kicks her off the ropes. Alicia puts her in a single-leg Boston crab, but Layla shifts her weight and rolls through, then she kicks Alicia in the head and gets the win. Kaitlyn (at commentary during the match) gets in the ring and congratulates Layla, then Eve comes out and raises both Kaitlyn and Layla's arms, much to the surprise of both women.

Winner – Layla

Dolph Ziggler is backstage bragging to Vickie Guerrero about getting Chris Jericho fired, then he says he can't believe AJ made him put his briefcase on the line. Vickie tells him to let her handle AJ, and she tells him to worry about being the next champion, but Sheamus walks over and says he should cash in tonight. Dolph says he'll cash in when he wants and on his terms, then Teddy Long walks over and says he consulted with Booker T and they'll have a match tonight. Teddy says it's not for the briefcase, but they will go one-on-one tonight, so Dolph might get lucky and be able to cash in after the match. Dolph says it sounds good to him and leaves with Vickie, then Sheamus thanks Teddy and tells him the first round is on him tonight.


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