WWE Melbourne Raw World Tour Results September 1st, 2012

WWE RawThanks to Wrestlezone.com Reader Roger Sidhorn for the following results.

Brodus Clay vs Jack Swagger

The first thing that was noticed was Brodus introducing the Funkadacktles is pre taped and a part of his entrance music as he introduced a missing Cameron….

In what was a surprisingly long and decent match that went back and forth Brodus gets the win after the big headbutt and the splash, They had the kids dance with Clay and Naomi, Naomi then got a good minute and a half alone in the ring to do a dance routine and she was FANTASTIC…… Cameron was not missed at all…..

Miz cuts an excellent promo on the big screen putting over Alex Riley and the IC title.

Layla vs Rosa Mendas

This was more of a dance off to begin with, also throw in a few comedy spots and they hid the fact that Rosa is weak in the ring (Rosa and Layla were chris-crossing, when Layla stopped took a seat in the corner and Rosa kept going) ….. The divas worked really hard in the match and Layla won with a spinning DDT….. It wasn't horrible.

Miz vs A-Ry (IC Title Match)

Miz cut an Amazing in ring promo and had the crowd eating out of his hands! Biggest Heel reaction of the night. An entertaining match and hopefully it will lead to a bit more TV time for Alex Riley and a renewal in a program with The Miz. The two worked really well with each other in the ring. Miz gets the win with the Skull Crushing Finale. A-Ry gets a good reaction from the crowd after the match!

Zack Ryder vs Tensai

Ryder got a great reaction from the crowd when his music hit, Tensai not so much…. The match was short and it was all Tensai getting offense off, until Zack hit the Rough Ryder out of nowhere for the win.

R-Truth & Kofi vs Primo & Epico (with Rosa Mendas)

In what was an entertaining tag match, it seemed that Melbourne saw it's first title change after Primo hit the back breaker on Kofi…. however Kofi put the foot on the rope and AJ came out and continued the match which lead to Truth and Kofi retaining…. lots of Little Jimmy stuff and Truth getting the Mick Foley cheap pop…… The Little Jimmy stuff was STUPID!!!

David Otunga vs Santino

The crowd loved Santino and was rough on Otunga (who looked fantastic) a few comedy spots here and there (including Santino posing like Otunga, and being whipped into the ropes and power walking) a few "you can't wrestle" chants to Otunga during the match, but he was surprisingly good compared to this time last year. Santino gets the win with the Cobra.

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan

In what was the MATCH OF THE NIGHT, Bryan and Punk put on a classic, Daniel Bryan had the crowd going crazy for the whole match, with the yes / no chants. Punk got a huge pop and it really seemed like he was soaking up the fact that this may be the last night he gets to work as a face in front of a huge crowd! Great mic work from both men, Bryan bringing up the anger management, Punk egging the crowd on by asking them questions that required the yes chants. There were awesome spots, including a homage by Punk to HBK (stamping the foot in the corner to yes chants), The Hogan Hulk up, You finger, Big boot and Leg drop combo and his classic to Macho Elbow. Bryan with an awesome Northern lights suplex from the top rope. The whole match had the crowd chanting from bell to bell. The finished came with the GTS. Punk's reaction was Unbelievable.

John Cena vs Big Show & Big Johnny

Cena had a Huge pop coming down to the ring, this was a slow paced match which was a major letdown considering what came before hand. John Laurinaitis wrestled in a business shirt. The last 3 minutes of the match wasn't bad with Cena getting the win after the AA. Cena ends the show with a heartfelt thank you.

Overall a very good show, however until they decide to do a Raw / Smackdown taping here in Australia (as they do in England) it will always be a disappointment. The fans here are crying out for a decent fan access. Also squeezing in the 3 day tour seemed to take a serious toll on the talent.


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