TNA “No Surrender” PPV Results – Bound for Glory Series Finale, Tag Team Championship, Aces & Eights Attack & More

Backstage: Hulk Hogan, Jeff Hardy Update, Magnus Promo

Backstage, Hulk Hogan is shown telling the police that he needs the building locked down. Jeff Hardy is shown being looked at by the trainers and Al Snow. Jeremy Borash comes on and talks about the condition of Hardy, to which, Magnus interupts. Magnus says it's typical of Hardy to let himself make bad decisions over business, noting that Rob Van Dam does the same thing. Magnus then makes his way out to the ring.

Magnus vs. Rob Van Dam

RVD immediately goes to work on Magnus at the sound of the bell. Van Dam bullies Magnus into the corner and hits him with several forearm shots. Magnus takes RVD down to the mat. Magnus and RVD switch back and forth into holds. Magnus is working on the arm of RVD. RVD fights back and knocks Magnus out of the ring with a big kick. RVD heads out to the floor after Magnus. He whips him into the steel barricade. RVD suplexes Magnus across the guardrail. RVD goes for the legdrop off the apron spot, but Magnus manages to avoid it. Magnus slams RVD back-first into the ring apron. Magnus takes RVD back into the ring. Magnus hits a huge leaping clothesline on Van Dam. Magnus locks RVD into the cloverleaf. RVD eventually fights his way out. RVD hits the ropes and hits Magnus with back to back clotheslines before hitting him with a low dropkick and a leg sweep. RVD slams Magnus’ leg down to the mat before hitting another low dropkick, and rolling thunder. RVD goes for the pin and gets a two count. RVD buries his shoulder in Magnus’ gut in the corner. RVD goes for a springboard single leg dropkick, but Magnus is able to knock him down to the canvas. RVD stops Magnus going to the top, and he takes him down to the mat. Magnus blocks a monkey flip in the corner with a giant clothesline that’s good for another two count. RVD hits a big dropkick on Magnus. RVD follows that up with his signature Five-Star Frogsplash for the three count and the pinfall victory.

Winner: Rob Van Dam

Backstage: Jeremy Borash Interviews Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Christopher Daniels and Kazarian. Kazarian says it's a travesy that Hogan made this match. Daniels says if anyone needs to call the cops, it's them – on Hogan. Daniels says he was ganged up on in the BFG Series. Claire Lynch tried to spoil their good names. They claim they're underrated.


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