TNA “No Surrender” PPV Results – Bound for Glory Series Finale, Tag Team Championship, Aces & Eights Attack & More

TNA Tag-Team Titles: Christopher Daniels & Kazarian vs. Kurt Angle & A.J. Styles

Daniels and Angle start things off for their respective teams. Daniels nails Angle with a few right hands early on. Daniels gloats a bit too much, allowing Angle to blast him back with ferocious offense. Angle hits a snap-suplex on Daniels. Angle and Styles double-team Daniels briefly before Angle tags Styles into the match. Styles hits a spinning neckbreaker. Angle tags back in, as does Kaz. Angle and Styles hit a double back-drop on Kaz. Angle hits him with a monsterous clothesline. Styles comes back into the ring and connects with a big backbreaker to Kaz before sending Daniels from the apron with a quick punch. Kaz is able to come up with a monkey flip before he mounts Styles and blasts him with a series of right hands. Daniels tags into the ring and hits Styles with a nasty clothesling, allowing Kaz to hit a big leg drop. Daniels stomps away at Styles sending him crashing out of the ring and to the floor. Kaz sends Styles back into the ring where Daniels hits him with a big flying kick that’s good for another two count. Daniels tags in Kaz who stomps away at Styles before locking AJ in a necktie. Styles fights out of the hold and blasts Kaz with a big right, and chop. Styles just misses a tag with Angle, and ends up eating a quick neckbreaker from Kaz. Daniels tags back into the match and hits Styles with a clothesline to the back of the head that’s good for another near fall. Daniels continues the assault on Styles, locking in a rear chin lock in an attempt to continue wearing down the challenger. Styles tries to fight out of the hold, but Kaz tags in and blocks the tag attempt. Styles is able to fight off both men and make the tag to Angle. The champs double team Angle, focusing on his neck when they can. Daniels snap mares Angle, making the tag and both men hit slingshot moves. Daniels hits and elbow and Kaz hits a leg drop that’s good for a two count. Kaz locks in the cravat, and Angle fights up to his feet. Kaz takes Angle into the corner and hits him with a couple of big forearms. Angle whips Kaz across the ring and runs right into a big boot. Kaz heads to the top, and Angle flies up after him to hit a huge belly to back superplex. Both guys finally make the tag to their respective partners. Styles is a ball of offense all over Daniels off the hot-tag. Styles hits a devastating springboard moonsault reverse DDT. Crowd dug that. Kaz interferes however, nailing AJ with a big dropkick. Angle tags back in. He hits both guys with the Angle Slam. He tries pinning Daniels but Daniels makes it to the ropes to break the count. Angle locks in the Ankle Lock but Kaz breaks that up. Kaz monkey flips Styles into Daniels, where he connects with a hurricanrana. Styles almost pins Kaz, but he only gets two after a Pele kick. Angle traps Daniels in the ankle lock, and Styles hits the springboard 450 on Kaz. AJ goes for the pin but only gets two. Daniels tries hitting Styles with a superplex off the top but Styles sends him crashing to the floor. Kaz nails Styles with a big kick out of the blue. Kaz teases hitting the clash but Angle catches him with a german suplex. Angle clotheslines Daniels to the floor. Styles tries to hit the Styles Clash on Kaz but Kaz fights his way out. Daniels throws a drink in Styles' eyes, allowing Kaz to roll him up. 1-2-3. Daniels and Kaz retain.

Winners and STILL TNA Tag-Team Champions: Christopher Daniels & Kazarian

Backstage: Hulk Hogan and the Cops

Backstage, Hulk Hogan is shown talking to the police again. Hogan says it's important that they don't allow any members of Aces and Eights near the ring, as coming up is the most important match of the evening. Hogan leads the police into the arena.